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 Resveratrol - The Health Benefits!

Resveratrol - The Health Benefits!

Resveratrol It's not like any other dietary supplement it proves to everyone that it's one of the most powerful health products at this time. It encompasses the list of supplements. How can this be, you may ask? Well, the answer is quite simple. Resveratrol works, and works well! Rarely does a product enter the marketplace and face the scientific scrutiny that resveratrol has and still be without a peer. Over the last ten years this compound has been studied all over the world in some of the largest and most prestigious universities, and guess what - instead of finding flaws, the scientific community is becoming more and more excited!

Resveratrol's work and effectiveness

Before we go into how resveratrol can help you and your health, let us first look a little more closely at how this product works and just how effective it has been in animal studies thus far. resveratrol is unique in its action over and above all other supplements out there because it has the ability to switch on a gene within the body that is called the SIRT1 gene. Scientists have long known that the SIRT1 gene was intimately associated with longevity and how quickly we age, but never has there been a supplement or chemical compound that had the ability to switch this gene on - until now!

Resveratrol Some preliminary studies

Initial studies using various animals have proved enormously encouraging thus far. For example, Dr. Sinclair (the discoverer of resveratrol), has tested this product with fruit flies, particular types of worms, mice, and certain groups of monkeys - namely the Rhesus monkey. In all test results across the board, the minimum life expectancy has been 35%, and this was with a group of mice that were all obese and middle-aged, to begin with. It is even more encouraging to note that with animals that are treated with resveratrol from an earlier age, it was not uncommon for the participants to live an average of 55% longer than the controls!

Ok, now to the important bit - how can resveratrol help me? It's all good and dandy that it helps animals live longer, but what about my health? Even with such expectations, resveratrol doesn't disappoint. Studies have shown that this compound assists greatly with heart health, fighting cancer, reducing blood sugar in diabetics and those suffering from syndrome X, and not to mention greatly assisting athletic performance.

Resveratrol and Heart Health

Regarding the heart, resveratrol aids greatly in the maintenance and repair of the delicate endothelial tissue within the vascular system. It is thought that the super high anti-oxidant level of resveratrol achieves much of this, as well as the powerfully protective polyphenol. Even in old mice that were obese, it was found that these specimens had no plaguing within their vascular system.

Resveratrol and cancer

In relation to cancer, resveratrol was found to greatly inhibit the rate at which a malignancy grows - and when consumed at a sufficient level will actually cause cancer to regress. Research is still in its early days in this area, but so far so good.

Resveratrol and diabetes

Resveratrol has been shown in both animals and in humans to greatly reduce exogenous blood sugar levels. As you can imagine, when one in ten people now suffer from diabetes, and many others suffer from syndrome X, this is truly a blessing!

Resveratrol and athletic

Even with athletic performance, resveratrol has been shown to increase the endurance of mice by 100%. As far as a sports supplement goes, here is one that actually works! This article only lightly touches upon the amazing possibilities of resveratrol. But one thing is for sure, this product works, and works well!
