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The Virtues of Resveratrol and how it Can help you!

  The Virtues of Resveratrol and how it Can help you!

The Virtues of Resveratrol and how it Can help you!

Longevity has long been at the forefront of human agendas, with many prominent individuals throughout time trying vainly in one way or another to stave off the ravages of aging. Regardless of one's financial position or social standing, the pursuit of longevity has rarely been met with much success - until now, that is!

All biology is governed by a pre-programmed genetic sequence, and although there may be slight genetic variances within our coding - the difference is slight. In relation to the aging process, some of our far better than others. Why you may ask? Well, the difference is more so environmental rather than genetic, which means that depending on how we live our lives, and by controlling what we put into our bodies, we can manipulate our gene expression.

As this piece of writing is about the compound resveratrol and how this substance can impact our health, let us begin here. Recently resveratrol has been receiving much press for its ability to drastically increase the lifespan of laboratory animals. Why this is important to us is that we can draw very strong parallels between the test subjects and ourselves, namely because the genetic expressions being studied are the same.

Resveratrol has the ability to turn on the gene within the body that is directly responsible for aging, and this gene is called the SIRT1 gene. How it achieves this is still being studied, but so far the results have been nothing short of amazing! Why you may ask? Well, studies thus far carried out on mice have shown very encouraging results. So encouraging in fact that big pharmaceutical companies have donated upwards of 100 million dollars in order to bring resveratrol closer to the point of manufacture.

Even though it is still very early days as far as resveratrol enduring the rigors of science, so far so good. Initially, studies were performed on worms, then fruit flies, then mice, followed by Reus monkeys, and now finally human studies. In all species aside from humans, which are still pending, results have been enormously compelling. For example, resveratrol given at a certain dosage to middle-aged mice had extended their life span by a good 30%, with young mice living an amazing 55% longer than those in the control! Not only this, but the organs of those mice at an advanced age were disease free - unfortunately the same could not be said with the control group.

If we are to extrapolate the virtues of this resveratrol molecule onto us as a species, then we can assume that much of the amazing health benefits thus far will extend to us also. This longevity gene called SIRT1 presents in the same way within us as it does with mice - this is why scientists are so positive about the outcome of human trials.

Truly, the implications are truly revolutionary for the human species in general. Diseases associated with aging, such as diabetes, heart issues, cancer, and other degenerative conditions will be a thing of the past with the ingestion of a simple capsule filled with resveratrol.

 How Resveratrol Can Help You!

There has been much publicity surrounding the mechanics of Resveratrol over the last few years. The reason for this appears to be well-founded, as rarely does a supplement come along that lives up to the hype that surrounds it. Resveratrol is a chemical derived from plants and is especially potent when facing environmental challenges such as drought or pathogenic attack. In this piece of writing, we will discuss how this amazing natural extract can benefit our health and well being

The natural health arena has had many "golden products" come and go over the years, but none of them have presented such promise as Resveratrol. The reason for this is simple, health supplements are just that - a supplement for health. Many of them have an important role to play, but to date, there has yet to be a product that can control gene expression within the body.

How this translates to better health for us will be discussed now, along with the types of results one can expect by ingesting Resveratrol.

1)... Resveratrol assists with heart health by protecting the delicate endothelial tissue of our vascular system. This is important as most types of coronary disease begin on the surface of these tissues, and once vascular damage is initiated, rarely is it reversed. It is thought that the potent cross-spectrum of anti-oxidants is responsible. Resveratrol works in a similar capacity within the actual plant that it was derived from, as it maintains the health of the phloem and xylem tissue, which is the equivalent of our vascular system.

2)... Resveratrol actively lowers blood sugar, which is super important for those suffering from syndrome X, or worse still, diabetes. It achieves this by down-regulating insulin receptor sites within the cellular structure of our bodily tissues. It is now commonly understood that high levels of exogenous sugar within the body are the primary precursor to many diseases. Sugar is known to drive acidic conditions within the body, and when one is acidic, our body becomes like a giant Petri dish, giving rise to a whole manner of diseased conditions.

3)... Resveratrol has been shown to stop and even reverse the activity of cancer within the body, and again, much of this action is assisted by the super high antioxidant levels that this compound has. Additionally, Resveratrol has certain biological markers that are lethal to cellular mutations, as the electrostatic charge is different from that of normal tissue. Studies are still continuing in this area.

4)... It has also been shown quite demonstrably that Resveratrol greatly increases the rate at which our body recovers after exercise, thus also adding a much greater level of performance to an athlete's program. Rats that were supplemented with Resveratrol at a certain level were shown to be able to run twice as far as a control rat. The study being referenced here had the Resveratrol rat running for two km before stopping, whereas the control rat collapsed after one km.

Aside from the obvious health benefits associated with the ingestion of Resveratrol, there is one characteristic that overshadows them all - and this is its life-extension qualities! It has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals by up to 50%, and what is even more encouraging is the same as looking true for humans also. With this being said, there is a very good chance that when everything is said and done, this humble compound called Resveratrol may well be the discovery of the century - with the elixir of life being very close at hand!
